Reactosfanboy: installs & starts up fine, in the GS shell the blinking cursor is drawn two rows above where it should be, did not test further Nemerian: Installs and works without a hitch.

Nemerian: everything works(laps and all recorded, timer works, etc) though using the advanced stop watch function makes it fail ShellExecuteEx code 1156
Reactosfanboy: setup gives 2 errors, but can be finished, app starts and displays pdf

Karlexceed: Once audio playback is working in ROS, seems to work well. Reactosfanboy: works, some issues with fullscreen Apparently you need to open the File List Editor, add some files/folders, save it and then you open and search it later.
It downloads a ZIP file which contains the setup installation.īlack_Fox: works fine. Reactosfanboy: seems to run & compress fine, minor graphical glitches in about tab & CORE-5683īlack_Fox: works fine.
Reactosfanboy: Install & runs fine on VBox4.3.34, sound output may be scrambled, see CORE-9981, alt+enter failed ( & closed DosBox CORE-10736, CORE-10737 ) Reactosfanboy: installs & runs, but shell extension breaks a lot of stuff within ros. ROS 0.4.0 will be the first NT OS that also does this natively without any 3rd-party tool. CORE-10700īlack_Fox: works fine, attached an ext4 volume and successfully retrieved a file. Reactosfanboy: installs & starts fine, seems to work quite good, could even compile&run hello worldīlack_Fox: installs fine, game doesn't run past character selection. Reactosfanboy: installs & runs, you can play fine, sound working, but issues with fullscreen and whole system may die when you exit the game CORE-10702īlack_Fox: installs & runs, but has problems switching resolutions - the menu stays drawn on top of the game. Reactosfanboy: installs & runs, have not tested furtherīlack_Fox: installs & runs, needed to click taskbar button to really start, after exiting got a blue trail drawn under mouse cursor. SHA checksum failed(we should either delete it or choose a fixed version), Installer worked, but the program immediately crashes and makes a crash dump, and keeps doing it over and over. The downloader got 7.3 indeed (most likely always downloads newest). Reactosfanboy: rapps displays wrong version. Reactosfanboy: VBox4.3.34, installs & runs fine, did not try to "grab" or convert Afterwards all 7 links started up successfully (no JRE for base, but this is minor) Reactosfanboy: installer complains about missing MSVCR90.dll(installing VCRuntimes2008 did not help) but succeeds anyways. Henrytang5247: Installer and application worked without any glitch. Nzeemin: Emalator starts, emulated machine works.īoris768: install ok, works ok - open, save txt documents Reactosfanboy: install ok, often multiple additional reboots are needed before sound works VBox4.3.34, Suggestion: make the sfx have C:\ReactOS as default path to make it easier and foolproof, Reactosfanboy: installs & runs fine, configuration page did respond via client Firefox39 (Opera 9.64 did not work), also suffers from CORE-10690, the hackfix helps here too ThFabba: Works fine except for a couple drawing issues, including CORE-4650. Drawing issue with the font listbox: CORE-4650. As reactosfanboy notes: CORE-7007, The msi installer we have in rapps works, but the exe-installer suffers from CORE-9998